Dallas Labor Calls for Unity
"Our Union Makes Us Strong"
--Solidarity Forever
AFL-CIO Asks for Unity Pledge
At the monthly Central Labor Council meeting on September 21, principal officer Mark York asked that all working people come together for the critical next elections. It is the only way to win!
The Dallas AFL-CIO has one of the most, if not the most, careful candidate screening process of any organization. Candidates must answer or detailed questionnaire, then appear before panels of working people prepared with pertinent questions. Further deliberations and discussions then take place before endorsements are finally issued. Labor's campaigns are carried out with the highest degree of professionalism.
The Dallas AFL-CIO Solidarity Pledge begins: "Recognizing that the Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council is a strong unified labor organization dedicated to the advancement and interests for all working men and women and that the strength of the labor movement depends on the commitment which its members make to it and to each other, I do sincrely promise, of my own free will, to abide by the agreed upon results of these endorsement screenings; and to bear true allegiance to, and keep pure the principles of the Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council."
Benjamin Franklin put it well when he told the American revolutionaries, "We must hang together or hang separately!"
Fight Congressional Budget and Health Care Proposals
School employees of Alliance/AFT, community allies of the Texas Organizing Project, and others gathered in downtown Dallas to oppose major cuts in to public education. Union President Rena Honea led the rally and called on experts with first hand understanding of what these devastating cuts would mean.
Retirees from the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are also fighting major proposed budget cuts, but they had a "Red Alert" shift to fighting the most recent zombie version of Trumpcare. They ask everyone to call both Texas senators at 1-866-4162. Organizer Judy Bryant announced at the Central labor Council meeting that her organization has initiated a public protest against a proposal estimated to leave 32 million more Americans without health care.
- Fight Back Against Trumpcare
- 10AM Monday, September 25
- Outside Senator Cornyn's Office
- 5001 Spring Valley Rd, Dallas 75244
More Actions Coming Up
Sep 22, 6P: North Texas Transit Riders pass out leaflets to stop the transit fare hike. Dallas Union Station, corner Houston and Young
Sep 25, 7P: “Public Riders Coalition Southern Sector” discussion of your concerns about the DART transit system. 1819 MLK, 75215. 214-828-1641
Sep 26: National Voter Registration Day
Sep 26, 6:30P: North Texas Transit Riders asks people to testify against a big transit fare hike at the DART Board Meeting, 1401 Pacific Ave. (Akard Station) Dallas, TX 75202. Contact TXTransitRiders@gmail.com
Sep 30, 9A-12P: LGTBQ+ women panel at CWA Local 6215 - 1408 N. Washington Av. Cost of admission is $10, and coffee and bagels will be provided! Purchase your ticket
Oct 3, 5-9P: “Night Out” covered dish supper at Kiest Park 3080 S Hampton Rd. Call Councilman Griggs at 214-670-0776
Oct 4: Deadline to sign up for Project Phoenix golf tournament at Thorntree Country Club on October 16. Contact Lewis at 214-354-9516
Oct 16, 7A: Project Phoenix golf tournament begins at Thorntree Country Club
Oct 19: Candidate screening committee list is due. Turn in to Lorraine Montemayor lmontemayor.dallasaflcio@gmail.com
Nov 9, 6-9P: Screening for District Attorney and Dallas County Democratic Party Chairperson at 1408 N Washington
Nov 16, 7:30P: Endorsement recommendations at the Central Labor Council meeting