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Dallas Labor News October 28, 2016

Gene Lantz
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North Texans Set Hot Pace as Election Day Nears

Your Dallas AFL-CIO is knocking on doors, telephoning, preparing signs, and even demonstrating in the streets to win these critical elections  for working  families.  Our work is paying off with record voter turnout numbers. The New York Times says that Texas has been declared a “battleground” state.

There are videos of some of recent activities:

Our October Central Labor Council meeting: school employees at the Dallas School Board:

Labor's meeting with Congressman Marc Veasey:

Our Early Voting rally in downtown Dallas: There is a slightly longer version at

Several other videos are on Facebook:

Even more activities are ahead. See the list below and decide how you can join  in!


Workers say Walmart shares Trump Values

Walmart workers and their many friends rallied at El Centro college in downtown Dallas on October 28. Some of the students joined in as we chanted, "Dump Trump! Organize Walmart" and  other jingles. Newspersons heard AFL-CIO leader Mark York and others drawing comparisons between Walmart management and The Donald. The organizing drive  at Walmart continues to be the "tip of the spear" in America's progressive movement. See for more on the drive. 

Meanwhile, CWA News reports that Communications Workers joined members from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees, the AFL-CIO, and many other labor groups to picket outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., at its grand opening. Trump has refused to recognize the right of his employees at the Trump Hotel Las Vegas to organize and bargain, despite their voting for union representation last year and the union being recognized by the National Labor Relations Board.Som

Are They Still Trying to Suppress the  Vote?

Anyone noticing underhanded voter suppression at the polls is asked to call:
  • 866-OUR-VOTE (for English)
  • 888-VE-Y-VOTA (for Spanish) TXAFL-CIO

Register Now for Youth Summit in Houston

Registration for YALL Summit Jan 19-21 in Houston is now open on the Texas Young Workers website:

Fight for Fair Trade

The national AFL-CIO has  declared November 30 a national day to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership unfair trade deal. They consider it likely that President Obama will try to get it passed during the "lame duck" session when congresspersons are considered to be less accountable to their constituents. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has joined the AFL-CIO in opposing the TPP publicly. 

More Actions Coming Up

Oct 29, 9A: Breakfast & GOTV from IUEC Local 21 in Arlington both Dallas  & Tarrant County. Contact Lorraine at 214-448-1557Oct 30, 7P: Halloween Concert at Arborlawn United Methodist Church, 5501 Briarhaven Rd.  This is a free, family oriented concert, but donations gratefully accepted.  See fwsomusicians.comNov 1&2: 1-3P: Retiree phone  banking from 334 Centre in Oak Cliff. Contact Judy Bryant 214-729-0063

Nov 1&2, 5:30-8P: Phone Banking from 1408 N Washington

Nov 4: Last day to early voteNov. 5th HD 107 walk and HD 105 Walk HD 107 - 1936 pendleton Drive Garlans Tx 75041 @ 9:30am HD105 - 1924 Baird Farm Rd, Arlington, TX 76006 @ 9am Nov 6, 6:30P: Sign distribution from 1408 N Washington

Nov 7, 5:30-8P: Phone banking from 1408 N Washington

Nov 7, 8:15P: Sign distribution from 1408 N Washington

Nov 8, 6-9P: Labor’s election watch party at VFW Post 6796, 9179 Garland Rd, Dallas 75218. Contact Jennifer at 214-826-4808

Nov 30: National Lobby Day to Beat TPP

--Gene Lantz, Press Secretary