2024 Primary Candidates March 5 Results

Candidates Chosen
After a careful process of questionnaires, live interviews, and democratic discussion, the Dallas AFL-CIO has chosen the following candidates for endorsement:
New endorsements 2/15/24
County Commissioner Dist 1: Dr. Theresa Daniel Won
County Commissioner, Dist 3: John Wiley Price Won
Tax Assessor: John Ames Won
Sheriff: Marian Brown Runoff
162nd Dist. Court Judge: Kim Bailey Phipps won
5th Court of Appeals Place 9: Tina Yoo Clinton won
5th Court of Appeals Place 11: Cory Carlyle lost
5th Court of Appeals, Place 13: Tonya Parker won
Chief Justice, Dalls Court of Appeals: Dennise Garcia lost
95th District Court Judge: Monica Purdy won
Texas endorsements that were previously posted:
HD 100: Venton Jones won
HD 102 Ana Maria Ramos won
HD103 Rafael Anchia won
HD 104 Jessica Gonzales won
HD105 Terry Meza won
HD 107 Linda Garcia won
HD 108 Yasmin Simon lost
HD 109 Aicha Davis won
HD 110 Toni Rose won
HD 111 Yvonne Davis won
HD 112 Averie Bishop won
HD 113 Rhetta Andrews Bowers won
HD 114 John Bryant won
HD 115 Cassandra Hernandez won
SD 8 Rachel Mello
SD 16 Nathan Johnson won
SD 23 Royce West won
CD24 Francine Ly lost
CD30 Jasmine Crockett won
CD33 Marc Veasey won
Alliance/AFT will soon have endorsements for school board trustees
For more information: jtomlinson.dallasaflcio@gmail.com
Labor-endorsed women candidates will be featured at our “Women Rising” celebration of International Women’s Day at 2PM on March 9 at 1408 N Washington. The Texas AFL-CIO Women’s Committee, Dallas AFL-CIO, Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, and Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are co-sponsoring. The event will be fun and free.