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Big Dogs Can't Stop Labor Campaigns

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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From Rosie Curts, a member of our Labor Council, Alliance/AFT, and Young Active Labor Leaders:


The day before Thanksgiving, I was out canvassing for Nancy Rodriguez for DISD school board trustee, a social worker and DISD parent who is endorsed by my union, Alliance/AFT Local 2260. My fellow teacher and I knocked on a door on our third block. When a woman opened it, her giant English mastiff pushed past her and rushed at me. I can’t even tell you what the dog looked like – it happened so fast! I just perceived hugeness and felt it sink its teeth into my wrist, at which point I closed my eyes and screamed.

Blood, an ambulance ride to the Baylor ER, and stitches ended that block-walk, but did nothing to end my determination to get Nancy elected. While I sat in shock, applying pressure to the wound with a cloth found by the homeowner, waiting for the ambulance, I secured a vote for Nancy from the woman. I doubt she’ll forget! At the ER, after I told the friendly nurse what happened, she looked at my Nancy Rodriguez t-shirt and commented that she’d seen her signs in her neighborhood. I found out she lived in the district, told the nurse why teachers supported Nancy while she tended to my injuries, and secured another vote.

I went home just a couple hours later, but ended up returning Thanksgiving night after my wound got infected, which is common with animal bites. I stayed in the hospital overnight, receiving IV antibiotics. The next day, another wonderful nurse, Meg, was taking care of me. I asked her if she lived anywhere near Baylor, and she said yes, she lived in Oak Lawn. Sweet! That’s District 2! Meg voted for Nancy in November but didn’t know there was a run-off. I let her know the early voting dates, times, and locations, and she promised to vote at Oak lawn Library on her day off on Monday. In a low turn-out election like this one, every vote counts!

I will be block-walking for Nancy Rodriguez again this Saturday, the last weekend before Election Day, with my wrist bandaged but my motivation intact. Currently, Nancy is under attack by local journalist Jim Schutze and the Dallas Morning News, both of whom are using indefensible smear tactics to tarnish her reputation. Schutze, formerly a progressive hero in Dallas, has been nothing but contemptuous towards teacher unions and not long ago, even unapologetically admitted that while working at the Dallas Observer, he reported an attempt at unionization to management -- successfully thwarting the effort. Neither Schutze nor the DMN editorial board are friends to teachers.

If you have time this weekend, please come out and canvas for Nancy Rodriguez! Let’s get someone in office that respects and listens to teachers and staff and our unions! As the teachers during the UTLA strike said, "Teachers want what kids need." You can sign up to volunteer at or just show up at her house at 10AM on Saturday at 6725 Bob-O-Link Dr. 

-- Rosemary Curts

Georgia On Our Minds

Union communicator meetings lately are mostly about the Senate races in Georgia. Their state AFL-CIO has endorsed Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff for the two positions. Across the nation, unionists are scrambling to help. Groups and individuals may contact the regional communications director.  

Fun and Fundraising

The regular 3rd Thursday meeting of the Dallas AFL-CIO has been taken over by the fundraising committee. They are presently collecting wonderful items to be given away during the on-line festivity.


More Actions Coming Up

Dec 4, 7A-7P: Early voting in DISD District 2 runoff election

Dec 8: Runoff election for District 2 of Dallas Independent School District

Dec 8 “Safe harbor day” deadline to end state arguments on their votes

Dec 9, 7P: Dallas Peace and Justice Awards Meeting on-line. The “Workers Beat” program on KNON radio is among the honorees

Dec 11: Possible govt shutdown if Congress is stymied

Dec 14 Electors meet in their states and cast paper ballots. Governor certifies the results

Dec 17, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO virtual Christmas Party fun and fundraiser. Contact fundraising committee

Dec 23: Governors send electoral votes to Congress

Jan 6: Newly elected Congress meets in joint session to officially accept the results from each state and count them. This is the formal end of the presidential/VP race

Jan 20: Inauguration Day

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