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Candidates Apply Tomorrow

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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Candidates for Dallas City Council are interviewing Saturday, February 27, for endorsements from the Dallas AFL-CIO. Labor volunteers will review questionnaires and ask direct questions about how each candidate intends to help working families.

Mariah Warwick of the Electrician’s Union will head up labor’s effort all the way through the May 1st election and subsequent runoffs. Travis Cantwell of the Plumbers & Pipefitters union is providing critical tech assistance. All of labor’s communications resources will back them up. Basic information such as election dates and candidates is on our web site.

The Dallas Council is pioneering an all-internet election process. Nearly all work will be done from home. Volunteers should contact

Demand Medicaid Extension

Our weather, power  and water crisis was created by a failure of state leadership. Texans stepped up in its place, rallying together to help neighbors get clean water, groceries, and so much more. Next week, we need to rally together once again to help our neighbors through another crisis created by a failure of leadership: our uninsured crisis. Texas has the highest number of uninsured in the nation!


We're excited to share the invitation for our MedEx4TX Advocacy Day next Friday, March 5. Texas Alliance for Retired Americans is a co-host of this event.

We are planning a day of actions - from legislative visits to call-ins, from a twitterstorm to a virtual rally - to amplify the urgent need for Medicaid Expansion. Please join us for this important event. Register here

–Judy Bryant

Let’s Organize!

The Texas State Employees Union has restarted an organizing campaign for the 4300 employees at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. This is a difficult place to organize and. we need everyone who knows an employee there to forward that person's contact information to the North Texas TSEU organizer,  Michele Goodwin at mgoodwin@cwa-tseu.Org or 903-280-1040.

--Kenneth Stretcher

Pitch In!

Anyone, union member or not, can back labor’s efforts to improve the lives of working families. Constituency group members and other volunteers are asked to attend monthly meetings at 6 PM on the day after the Dallas Central Labor Council meets.

On the February 26 (today) meeting, we expect to hear from  the Texas President of the Labor Coalition for Latin American Advancement, Chip Serrano. Serrano wants all chapters activated for critical battles ahead. For registration, please contact

Labor Carries the Water

Top leaders of the Dallas AFL-CIO spent February 25th distributing free water to our many storm victims. The Texas AFL-CIO’ Texas Workers Relief Fund sent a truckload. They were working with the Teamsters, Electrical Workers, Painters, Stage Handlers, Austin CLC, and National AFL-CIO.

Ample supplies remain at the initial distribution point, CWA 6215 hall at 1408 N Washington, and at other union locations. Contact Dallas AFL-CIO President David Lopez at

More Actions Coming Up

Feb 26: Labor supporters meet on line. Contact

Feb 27: Special election day in Grand Prairie

Feb 27: Dallas AFL-CIO interviews candidates for possible endorsement

Feb 28, 7:30P: Southern Sector Rising presents a preview on moving shingle mountain on the Facebook page of Dallas Peace &Justice Center

Mar 1, 5P: “Labor Live at 5” presentation every Monday on Texas AFL-CIO Facebook page 

Mar 4, 11A: YouTube event on how labor is trying to transform our economy. Register here.

Mar 5: Day of advocacy for Medicaid expansion in Texas #SickOfItTX 

Mar 7, 11A: Unemployed Organizing Roundtable +1 346 248 7799 

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