Dallas Labor In the Fight
Labor Council Meets Thursday
The regular 3rd Thursday meetings of the Dallas AFL-CIO continue to get more exciting every month. On April 19 at 7:30 PM, working families will finalize their endorsements for the May 22 runoff election, study how to win the school board election for candidate Bernadette Nuttall, and dig into the gigantic campaign to win paid sick leave for all workers.
[caption caption="Screening candidates for working families" align="center"]Final Primary Election Endorsements Coming
A solid group of labor volunteers spent their evening screening candidates on April 9. The candidates were asked to sign a pledge, fill out a detailed questionnaire, and submit to grilling from workers. The results will be presented and final decisions made on Thursday.
Win the School Board Election
The Alliance/AFT school employees union has decided to endorse incumbent school board trustee Bernadette Nuttall. On Thursday, strategies for winning this important race will take form.
Paid Sick Leave for All
The Dallas AFL-CIO is part of a major coalition to win paid sick leave.for all area workers. We joined a news conference in Dallas City Hall on April 13 along with Faith in Texas, Friendship West Baptist Church, Planned Parenthood, Texas Organizing Project, Workers Defense Project, and other coalition partners. A major petitioning effort was launched to win a place on the November ballot.
[caption caption="Mark York at the news conference for paid sick leave"]We can bring working families together for a major victory on paid sick leave!
Oklahoma Teachers Call It Off
On April 12, the Oklahoma Education Association announced that their nine-day statewide political strike was over. CNN reported that they maintained the same amount of extra education spending secured before they struck: about $479 million for teacher and support staff salaries and school needs for the upcoming fiscal year. Teachers won an average $6,100 and support staff won $1,250 in annual raises. $70 million will go toward textbooks and the state-aid formula, and for flex health care benefits -- over the next fiscal year.
Not every individual was eager to stop the strike, according to CNN. One important offshoot of the uprising is the number of school employees who are pledging to run for political office. Union veterans know that the statewide action will result in higher levels of organization, understanding, and militancy.
CNN said, “Showdowns over teacher pay and school funding continue in 3 states.”
Trump Flip-Floping on Trade
After luring working-class voters into his 2016 campaign with promises of fair trade, President Donald J Trump is now reconsidering joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Working people have fought long and hard against outsourcing incentives like Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and the bans on “Buy American” and “Buy Local” public procurement. We want strong labor and environmental protection with swift and certain enforcement in order to prevent companies from moving jobs around the globe to wherever workers are the most exploited and environmental regulations are the weakest.
Secret negotiations over NAFTA and Trump’s new interest in the TPP are of grave concern.
Trump May Fire Investigator
A nationwide movement opposes the firing of special investigator Robert Mueller or his boss, Rod Rosenstein. Dallas coalition leader Liz Wally has held several meetings and is planning more as news from Washington indicates that Trump may strike any day. If he does, and it's before 2PM, then demonstrations take place that same day at 5 PM at Dallas City Hall. if Trump acts after 2 PM, the demonstration will be the next day.
Liz Wally says we now have over 2,500 people signed up on the Facebook Page and ready to respond. We should act now to prevent this crisis before Trump causes it. She says, "Please ask your group to call Sen. Cornyn - 202.224.2934 or 972.239.1310 and Sen Cruz 202.224.5922 or 214.559.8749. I can't emphasize this enough - hearing from constituents, especially in great numbers, is something that carries a LOT of weight. Our voices are needed in this fight for our democracy. !" Wally may be reached at 214.821.2237.
More Actions Coming Up
Apr 14, 10P-Midnight: Vigil for AT&T Legacy T workers contract expiration at 1408 N Washington, Dallas 75204. Contact Herb Keener at hwkjr54@sbcglobal.net or (214) 543-3078
Apr 17: Tax day marches across the nationApr 21, 10A: Volunteer canvassing and phone banking from 1408 N Washington in Dallas