Dallas Labor Makes Best and Final Effort June 10
The power of working families is focused on election day, June 10, in Dallas. Your Central Labor Council will be throwing everything we can into winning. Join us at 10 AM, or as soon afterward as you can, for canvassing, phone banking, and whatever else we can think of. For information, contact Lorraine Montemayor at 214-826-4808.
"Indivisible" Targets Congressman Sessions
Even though they have chosen no candidate against him, one of the protest groups is calling for pickets at noon every Monday through this Summer. They will gather at Pete Sessions' North Dallas office, 12377 Merit Dr, Lakeside Square, according to Democratic Party activist Jay Malone who spoke at the First Wednesday Dallas meeting of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund.
Dallas Pushes Back Against Legislature
The City of Dallas has joined Austin, San Antonio, and others in a lawsuit against SB4, the Legislature's power-grab against local control. They want to force cities to spend their resources enforcing federal laws against immigrants, or anybody who looks like they might be an immigrant. American labor's position is that we should all get organized, not arrested.
Dallas AFL-CIO Political Director recently made this public statement: "My name is Lorraine Montemayor, and proud to be both the Political Director for the Dallas AFLCIO, and the Daughter of Mexican immigrants.
'As a child, I got raised to value working people and the struggle of thousands of men and women who come here for a better life. As an adult, I get to take these lessons, and assist a 50 thousand member coalition of working men and women committed to social and economic justice. I am blessed to represent the Dallas AFLCIO up here today.
'Especially on a day when we are proudly standing in solidarity with community partners in opposition of SB4.
'The Dallas AFLCIO's feeling is that an attack on immigrants is an attack on working families.
'In fact, our State-Wide president recently spoke out against SB4 and stated, 'We are determined to fight for all working people – no matter their race, nationality, or immigration status. SB 4 creates fear in our immigrant communities. When immigrants are afraid to speak up against exploitation in the workplace, it drives down standards for all Texans.'
'Communities in Dallas cant afford to permit SB4's fear, division, and hate. We cant accept this so called legal discrimination! We cant accept families afraid to leave their homes! And we sure cant accept the destruction of years of trust and community building.
'Because of these truths, We at the AFLCIO are urging Local Lawmakers at the Dallas City Council take a legal stand and challenge this Unjust Bill."
More Actions Coming Up
Jun 10, 10A: Final effort to win Dallas elections. Meet at 1408 N Washington #240. Contact lmontemayor.dallasaflcio@gmail.com 214-826-4808
Jun 12, Noon: "Indivisible" protests Congressman Pete Sessions at 12377 Merit Dr, Lakeside Square in Dallas
Jun 15, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO meets at 1408 N Washington. All affiliated members welcome
Jun 17, 10A: March to End Police Brutality begins at St Paul UMC, 1816 Routh. Rally at noon in Pike's Park, 2807 Harry Hines. Info at 214-683-2493
Jun 21, 10A-1P: Debrief on Texas legislature at 1341 W Mockingbird, Dallas 75247. 713-869-7740
Jun 23-25: Texas AFL-CIO Convention in Houston