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Dallas Labor Studies and Makes History

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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Don’t Miss Election Day

The Dallas School Board election is tomorrow, May 5th. The AFL-CIO will be firmly behind candidate Bernadette Nuttall and the school employees’ union, Alliance/AFT. The final push begins at 9 AM at 334 Centre Street in Oak Cliff. Contact Lorraine Montemayor at 214-448-1557.

Fight For Paid Sick Time

The petitioning campaign to get paid sick time on the November ballot in Dallas is well under way. Our success will mean that every Dallas voter will have a chance to make paid sick time a reality for every worker in the city. Austin already has paid sick time. The importance for working people was underscored last week when Texas’ anti-labor Attorney General attacked the idea.

Everyone can help, particularly if they are attending meetings or progressive events. Petition forms are available at the AFL-CIO office, 1408 N Washington #204. Contact Lorraine Montemayor at 214-448-1557.

Dallas Labor Remembers Our History

Anti-labor repression largely curtailed American observances of May 1, International Workers Day, after it began in 1886, even though the day is celebrated in most of the world. But today’s energized American movement is bringing new consciousness. The national AFL-CIO sent out tool kits with suggestions for celebrating this year. 

Dallas had two Mayday picnics this year: on April 29th at Lake Cliff Park and on May 1 at Kidd Springs Park. Both were well attended by overwhelmingly young activists. They took note of the worldwide fight for the 8-hour day that was focused on Chicago, Illinois. Four striking workers were killed that day. A protest rally in Haymarket Square on May 4th was attacked by police with bloody results. In 1887, four of the leaders of the 8-hour day movement were hanged. At least one of them, Texan Albert Parsons, was not even present during the police riot.


A discussion of labor’s historical highlights and subsequent repressions will be presented at 6:30 PM on May 5th at Roma’s Italian Restaurant, 7402 Greenville Avenue in Dallas. The main speaker will assert that American labor today is stronger than it was in 1886 or at in any time in history.

President Trump Comes to Dallas

Both the President and Vice President of the United States will speak at the National Rifle Association convention May 4-6 in downtown Dallas. A large number of diverse protests, most of them for or against gun control, have been publicized. Some actions conflict with others.  The Dallas labor movement has argued for some time that a clearing house for progressive movements is needed.

The religious activists in Faith Forward will be holding regular prayer vigils at Dallas City Hall during the entire weekend until 6 PM Sunday.

Unemployment Dips, Organizing Rises

When unemployment is low and discontent is high, Americans have their best opportunity to organize. Tremendous success shown by school employees highlights labor’s efforts. Workers’ actions against austerity in other countries is also notable.

The Arizona statewide uprising resulted in 20% teacher raises and other money for public schooling. West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Kentucky school workers also achieved good results. North Carolina may be next. Closer to home, a big rally is being planned by Houston school employees.

More Actions Coming Up

May 4, 2P until May6, 6P: Faith Forward Dallas prayer vigil at City Hall, 1500 Marilla, Dallas

May 4, 6:30P: “Dallas Standing Against The NRA” at City Hall

May 4, 7P: “NRA Die-In” at Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas 650 S Griffin St, Dallas, Texas 75202

May 5, 9A: Labor activists campaign with Alliance/AFT, 334 centre st. Dallas 75208

May 5: Election Day for school board

May 5, 10A: “Rally4Reform” at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla in downtown Dallas

May 5, 10A: “Oak Cliff CINCO DE MAYO Celebration & Parade” starts on Jefferson & Zang

May 5, Noon: “NORA protest against NRA” at Belo Garden Park 1014 Main Street, Dallas, Texas 75202

May 5, Noon: “Dallas United Against Gun Violence” at Dallas City Hall

May 5, 2P: Protest NRA with “Moms Demand Action” at Oak Lawn United Methodist Church 3014 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, Texas 75219

May 5, 6:30P: “MayDay in 1886 and Now” discussion with the College of Complexes at Roma's Pizza and Italian Restaurant, 7402 Greenville Avenue

May 9, 6:00P: Legal Aid is presenting a Zoning 101 Workshop at the Oak Cliff Cultural Center, 223 W. Jefferson

May 10, 6P: Alliance/AFT showing movie “Backpack Full of Cash” with explanation of sinister efforts to undermine public education. At 334 Centre, 75208

May 12, 10A: Block walking begins at 1408 N Washington

May 12: National Association of Letter Carriers "Stamp Out Hunger" Food Drive

May 12, 10:30A: Reception begins before showing of new Malcolm X movie at 7701 W Westmoreland

May 14-18: Early vote for primary run-off election

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