Dallas Labor Walks in Unity
At the Dallas MLK march, the AFL-CIO gathered union members, retirees, supporters, and endorsed candidates to make one of the largest and most diverse contingents ever.
Celebrations for Dr Martin Luther King Jr are celebrations of progressive activity. Dr King often spoke of the unity between civil rights causes and labor. He said that the race baiter and the labor hater were one in the same!
Our labor contingent included a big float created by Brother Gerardo Contreras. Among the other vehicles was the big blue van of the Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 1338. Please see our Facebook Page for more photos. Among those pictured are candidates Roberto Alonzo, Philip Kingston, Toni Rose, Royce West, and Chris Hamilton. Several union and political leaders have pledged to attend a function for Hamilton at noon on January 26 at the Independent Bar & Kitchen, 2712 Main Street in Dallas.
Union Children Can Get Scholarships
Applicants in this year's Texas AFL-CIO scholarship program will compete for $1,500 -- up from $1,000 previously. As part of the interview process, they also learn labor history and what today's unions are all about. The deadline for applications is January 31. Apply through the Central Labor Council at 214-826-4808, or go to http://texasaflcio.org/scholarship.
Labor's Political Conference Begins January 20
On January 20-21 in Austin, unionists from across the state will come together to consider candidates and to strategize about winning elections on behalf of all working people. Endorsements on local candidates and recommendations on statewide candidates have been sent to the Texas AFL-CIO for consideration by the entire state labor movement. The Dallas recommendations are on our web site.
The Committee on Political Education (COPE) conference will feature the first one-on-one forum between gubernatorial candidates Lupe Valdez of Dallas and Andrew White of Houston, along with an appearance by a union candidate who is making a big splash among working people in his quest to oust U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan.
More Actions Coming Up
Jan 19, 12A: Deadline for a new Congressional Spending Bill or government shutdown
Jan 19, 7:30P: “Women Speak, Men Listen” forum at Oak Cliff Cultural Center, 233 W. Jefferson Avenue Dallas TX 75208
Jan 20, 10A: Dallas Women’s March begins at St Paul Church, 1816 Routh, and ends at Pike Park, 2007 Harry Hines Blvd. www.Facebook.com/DallasWomensMarch
Jan 20-21: Texas AFL-CIO COPE Convention at Downtown Sheraton in Austin
Jan 21, 2P: WomensMarchDFW starts at Dallas City Hall Plaza. Katherine McGovern ksm51711@gmail.com
Jan 24, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO meeting for all affiliated members in the CWA Hall, 1408 N. Washington
Jan 24, 7:30 - 9:00pm “Women Speak, Men Listen” forum at White Rock United Methodist Church’ Owenwood Campus, 1451 John West Rd, Dallas, TX 75228