Election Results Are Good and Bad
Union voters reviewed some great national victories in America on November 8, but Texans had less to celebrate.
The national AFL-CIO web page says “It was a big night for labor’s agenda as pro-worker candidates won election from coast to coast Tuesday.”
CPD Action, a liberal activist group, Claimed that voters rejected “Tumpism.” They write, "Progressive candidates were victorious at the ballot box in Virginia, in New Jersey, in local races from Minneapolis to Washington State, and across the country!" The New York AFL-CIO was especially delighted to have defeated a ballot initiative leading toward a constitutional convention similar to what Texas Governor Abbott wants.
The web site, “Stand Up to Alec” claimed that six members of the American Legislative Executive Council, a far-right organization responsible for some of the worst state legislation in history, lost six important members in Virginia.
Texas Turnout Less than 6%!
Voter turnout in Texas, as reported by the Dallas newspaper, was less than 6%! More than 94% of all registered Texas voters did not bother to participate, and the number registered is considerably smaller than the population of eligible voters.
The Texas AFL-CIO recommended acceptance of four state propositions, and all four passed. But they recommended “no” votes on two, and both of them passed.
At the city level, the Dallas AFL-CIO web site had recommended all propositions, and all passed. The County vote on disbanding the school transportation service went against the recommendations. The Dallas Independent School District will head up the dissolution committee for Dallas County Schools. The transportation employees expect more pressure to privatize the entire service because only a lust for profits would have driven the secret financers of the expensive mailings and robo-calls made against them.
Increased voter turnout among working families is the way forward. The Dallas AFL-CIO is already laying plans and scheduling activities to win in 2018.