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Fight Against Growing Poverty

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing
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American poverty is catastrophic and is about to get much worse as pandemic-era subsidies snap shut.

Google “poverty in industrialized nations” and you’ll see that says, “…the United States has far and away the highest overall poverty rate in this group of 26 developed nations.”

WFAA news reports that pandemic-era SNAP [food] benefits expired March 1, and North Texans are seeing a reduction of $95 a month or more. The Associated Press says that around 8 million people will lose Medicaid health coverage in May-July. The Poor People’s Campaign estimates that 2,700,000 of them will be Texans. COVID rent subsidies end May 11. Five million of the nation’s renters are currently behind, according to Women & Health.

What’s the answer? Organize. Who knows how to organize? The labor movement.  

Join the Fight

American labor is no longer limited to a small percentage of workplaces with good union contracts. We are the core of a progressive movement for all. AFL-CIO allies and constituency groups are listed on-line. 

Annual dues are minimal. As we recover from the pandemic, the Dallas Central Labor Council has two thriving constituency groups and is about to activate a third.

Young Active Labor Leaders (YALL) organizes anybody under age 40. Texas Alliance for Retired Americans welcomes anybody of any age, because all workers are either retired or hope to be. The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) does not have any exclusions.

Constituency groups are represented on our Executive Board by Sister Judy Bryant. She asks that everyone who wants to work with labor join our on-line meeting at 4 PM on April 16. Register here.

After a short introduction, on-line participants will join the group of their choice in breakout rooms.

Retirees Honor Heroes

The national Alliance for Retired Americans keeps track of congressional votes and publishes a summary. From the last completed session, we know whether Texas congresspersons helped or hurt retirees. Around the state, we are organizing events to honor our heroes and call attention to our zeroes.

Congressman Mark Veasey will get his Hero Award during his labor meeting on April 5. Early that afternoon, Congressman Colin Allred will be honored when he visits the Dallas retiree chapter meeting.

Bea Lumpkin

Another nationwide hero is Chicago activist Bea Lumpkin, who advocates for seniors and youth to work together. She has agreed to come to Dallas to be honored here. Lumpkin has been active in the progressive movement since childhood. Her current age is 104. 


Mar 24: Archbishop Romero of El Salvador was murdered, 1980

Mar 25,2-4P: First stop on the Texas justice tour, free event for Democrats. SKY BLU @ HILTON TRU, 1949 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207 RSVP Required 

Mar 31, 6:30P: “Untangling the Web of War in Ukraine” at PAN AFRICAN CONNECTION, 4466 S. Marsalis Ave, Dallas, TX

Apr 1, 10A: Cesar Chavez’ Birthday parade steps off from the JFK Memorial on Main Street, downtown Fort Worth

Apr 5, 10-12: Congressman Veasey’s Labor Steering Committee at UAW 848 hall, 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. Contact

Apr 5, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of TARA meets at AFT Hall, Bishop & Centre in Oak Cliff. Everyone invited. Contact at 214-7290063

Apr 12: State Employees’ lobby day. Contact  512 779 4176

Apr 13, 7PM: Young Active Labor Leaders monthly meeting. Contact Rosie

Apr 16, 4PM: All union members and supporters invited to first on-line Constituency Group meeting for labor solidarity. Register.  Contact at 214-7290063

Apr 20, 7:30P: Monthly meeting for Dallas Central Labor Council. All members of affiliated unions invited. Contact

Apr 22: TOP will be hosting a community forum in D7. Contact Tempestt McHenry  214-704-8114

Apr 24: Early voting begins

Apr 24: Texas Federation of Teachers retiree lobby day. Contact Contact at 214-7290063

Apr 25: Last day to get in applications to vote by mail for May 6 election