Get Ready for Fun!
Dallas AFL-CIO will start celebrating International Workers Day at 2PM on Saturday, May 4, at the Postal Employees’ Hall, 2010 Postal Way. There will be lots of outdoor stuff to do if we get good weather, and the APWU Hall is big if we don’t.
Other celebrations are being planned beginning the weekend before. Our Dallas Retiree chapter’s First Wednesday meeting falls, coincidentally on MayDay. Look for a picnic at Kidd Springs Park, 1000 Sylvan. We also have an election on May 4 where we’ll be pulling for Ed Turner to win the School Board position in District 9. Then there’s Cinco de Mayo on Sunday!
Jobs Report Is More Good News
Another cause for celebration is today’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A cracking-good 303,000 new jobs were created in March. Unemployment is 3.8% and has extended its long time below 4%. The money for all American working families is reported to be up 4.1% over the last year – higher than inflation! Unionist paychecks continue to grow faster than those who aren’t organized yet, and organizing plans are going well. Dallas has announced that the city will get $80M in infrastructure funds, and there’s more where that came from.
National and State labor leaders are working out ways to help every Texas county share the bounty of organized labor. The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans announced a statewide initiative that begins on ZOOM this afternoon (April 5) at 5:30PM and will continue every Friday. Anybody can register at
Teamster Strike and Boycott Continues
Teamsters and their friends are picketing Monday through Saturday at two entrances to the Millers-Coors Brewery at 7412 South Freeway in Fort Worth, on the east side of the freeway. Join them for a good time. It has been said that one’s first picketing effort will change a life forever and for the better. Just yesterday, friends from Tarrant and Texas State AFL-CIO joined them on the picket line.
Please Join Our Solidarity Brigade
Click here to get updates whenever activists are needed. For text alerts, send the word "action" to the phone number 235246
Now: Monday-Sat, 9A-5P: Teamsters 997 pickets at Molson Coors, 7412 South Freeway in Ft Worth
Apr 6, 4-6P: Movie screening about Korean women forced into prostitution in WWII at Harold Clark Simmons Hall, Room 101A, Southern Methodist University, 6401 Airline Rd, Dallas, TX 75205
Apr 18, 7:30P: Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated AFL-CIO members at 1408 N Washington
Apr 20, 9:30A-4:30P: Teach in for Neighborhood Environmental Justice at Friendship West Baptist Church, 2020 W Wheatland Rd
Apr 20, 9A-2P: Annual Stakeholders Meeting for Dallas Peace & Justice Center at White Rock United Methodist Church, 1450 Old Gate Ln in Dallas
Apr 21, 2-4PM: Environmental Justice Rally at Fish Trap Lake Park, 2400 Singleton Blvd
Apr 22: Non-Violent civil disobedience training for environmental justice
Apr 23: Last day for county officers to receive Ballot by Mail Application
Apr 23: Last Day to receive Federal Post Card Application(FPCA)
May 1, NOON: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at Kidd Springs Park. Everyone invited
May 4: Election Day
May 4, 2P: International Workers Day celebration at APWU Hall, 2010 Postal Way in Dallas
May 4, 7PM: Deadline for mail Ballot can be delivered in person by 7 PM