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How Do You Defend Your Rights?

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing
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Labor keeps working for voter rights. Marilyn Davis of Texas AFL-CIO and Jason Tomlinson of Dallas AFL-CIO organized a “hybrid” meeting both on-line and at 1408 N Washington on April 2. Attorney Louis Bedford, an expert on civil rights and voter rights, guided participants through the voting obstacles created by Republicans in the legislature. Bedford has also extended a hand to the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans in their ongoing voting rights efforts.


Bedford made big news in the Dallas newspaper on April 8 by releasing a report on problems that the new voter suppression laws are creating.

“Class Struggle” Author Speaks

Joe Burns spoke to a sizeable audience at the Communications Workers hall on April 6 about his third book, "Class Struggle Unionism." Burns directs collective bargaining for the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA. The first part of his presentation is on our Facebook Page.


Burns advocates qualitative change in the way that America’s unions deal with employers. Rather than negotiating for short-term gains, he says that unions should oppose the billionaires’ hold over our entire economy. The crowd responded with applause and by buying his book.

May 1 Approaches

Dallas unions and political leaders have only one more week to place ads in the brochure for our International Workers Day celebration. Thanks to Kym Grant and the Doctor’s Guild, we are assured of publication, but the printers’ deadline is April 15. Jason Tomlinson is the artist in charge of the brochure. Contact

The speaking program is not yet set, except for our lead-off speaker, County Judge Clay Jenkins. A number of unions and candidates have donated $100 for tables and are expected to be heard. Among them is Jane Hamilton, a candidate in the runoff for U.S. Congress.

The Steelworkers initiated this year's celebration. It is scheduled for 2-6 PM on May 1 at Lake Cliff Park.

More Actions Coming Up

Apr 1: Seniors and other eligible voters may apply to vote by mail in all 2022 elections

Apr 14, 10:30A: SPR Flight Attendants will be conducting an informational picketing event in DFW in Terminal E.  For info: David Bedene at

Apr 23: The National Nurses United union national day of action to support Medicare for All

Apr 25: Early voting begins for May 7 constitutional referendum & municipal elections. Ends May 3

Apr 26: Deadline to receive vote by mail applications for May constitutional referendum and municipal elections

Apr 28: Workers Memorial Day to commemorate all the workers killed or injured on the job

Apr 28, "Shoot For The Cure" at Greystone Castle Sporting Club in Mingus, Texas. Sponsored by OPEIU 277 and UFCW 1000

May 1, 2-6P: International Workers Day picnic at Lake Cliff Park, 1100 Crawford in Dallas. To support, contact Jason Tomlinson at

May 7: May constitutional referendum & local elections, including school board

May 9: Donald J Trump is expected to raise funds in Dallas

May 13: Deadline to receive vote by mail applications for Primary runoff election

May 16: Early voting begins for primary runoff election

May 24: Primary runoff election

Jul 22-24: Young Active Labor Leaders statewide meeting 

Sep 9-10: Women's Summit

Oct 28: Deadline to receive vote-by-mail applications for general election

Nov 8: General election