How We Won and How We Will Win

Labor is chalking up victories across the nation. Victories do not fall from the sky. They are won with some thinking, some courage, and considerable work. Examine two recent local successes to understand what we did and what we have to do to keep on winning.
The passage of the Social Security Fairness Act and the National Labor Relations Board's decision favoring our Fired Black Dallas Dancers were big wins to which North Texas labor activists made considerable contributions. The Young Active Labor Leaders led our solidarity efforts for the Dancers and the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans guided the Social Security work. Both organizations were created by the AFL-CIO. Both of them recruit labor activists, including those who are not necessarily union members. What were their secrets of success?
Any successful struggle begins with a core of courageous people who are committed to seeing the fight through to the end. The Dancers were one core, and public-service retirees were the other.
- Both of them were able to call on the strength of our great labor movement
- Both of them elicited support from the general public
- Both of them did everything possible to inform all concerned persons, including through the commercial news media
- Both of them employed all the legal avenues that were available to them
- Both of them brought their appeals to politicians in power
- Both of them stuck with their program through all disappointments
Those elements went into our past victories, and will carry us forward to future wins!
Retirees Celebrate
President Biden will sign the Social Security Fairness Act next week. The Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans will celebrate at 12:30PM on Wednesday with a luncheon at the Charco Broiler, 413 Jefferson Blvd in Oak Cliff. Our main speakers will be retired teacher Judy Bryant and retired firefighter David Riggs. Horace Blake will provide Spanish for the newspersons who need it.
The Act reverses Reagan-era cuts in Social Security benefits for public employees who have also worked under Social Security. Millions of them are going to see significant increases in their monthly check. They will also get a big retroactive payment for all of 2024.
What's The Next Battle?
Working families can expect major attacks from President-Elect Donald Trump and his apparent Co-President Elon Musk. Their victims will likely be selected in their order of vulnerability, with immigrants first. Children, seniors, women, and gays can expect to get their turn. Labor leaders are preparing to mobilize the nation for the fight. Locally, the Dallas AFL-CIO has already prepared a Citizenship Forum for immigrants with green cards on January 11 at 334 Centre in Oak Cliff. We are also working to build up our alliances, especially with civil rights activists, with our contingent in the Dallas Martin Luther King March and Parade at 10AM on January 18. We're already committed to help with organizing at Amazon and Starbucks. Contact principal officer Lou Luckhardt at
Inauguration Day is January 20. After that, we'll see.

Join Our Solidarity Brigade
Click here to get updates whenever activists are needed. For text alerts, send the word "action" to the phone number 235246. Paste into your browser and join our political program.
Contact List
- Political Committee Earnest Tilley
- Pride at Work Shayla Nguyen
- Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Judy Bryant
- Young Active Labor Leaders Stu Becker
Jan 3: New Congress sworn in
Jan 8, 12:30A: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans lunches at Charco Broiler, 413 Jefferson Blvd in Oak Cliff. We may have an on-line opportunity, register here
Jan 9, 11A: Covered dish luncheon at 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. To participate on-line, register here
Jan 9-12: National AFL-CIO Civil Rights Conference in Austin
Jan 11, 9A-3P: Citizens Clinic for green-card holders who want to be citizens and people who want to help them at 334 Centre. Contact
Jan 14: Texas Legislature begins session with election of Speaker of the House
Jan 16, 7:30P: Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated union members
Jan 18: Dallas MLK and other marches are scheduled. They will surely find a way to come together, Join the labor contingent! Contact
Jan 20: New U.S. President sworn in
Jan 25, 2P: Debates for candidates for Texas Democratic Party Chair either at the LBJ Ranch or via Zoom
Jan 31: Deadline for eligible high school seniors to apply for the Texas AFL-CIO Scholarship — a one-time $1,500 grant learn more
Feb 24-27: 2025 Construction Working Minds Summit, at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel, 1500 Convention Center Drive. More info here
Mar 14: Possible government shutdown