Labor Breakfast: Biggest and Best!

The Dallas AFL-CIO just had its best Labor Day breakfast ever! Jason Tomlinson, who worked with Lewis Fulbright to make the entire event happen, said that we had sold every ticket! The longest part of the agenda was when Texas AFL-CIO political expert Jeff Rotkoff read off the names of the political leaders in the room!

Among the political leaders bringing important messages were Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congressman Marc Veasey, Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa, Representative Ana Maria Ramos, City Councilman Omar Narvaez, County Judge Clay Jenkins and State Senator Royce West. Special honorees were Madeleine Howard of TWU 556, Jeanne Schulze of AFGE 1003, consultant Jeff Dalton, and Gerardo Contreras of UAW 848. Contreras was not present to receive his award for hard work on behalf of the labor movement, because he was occupied doing hard work on behalf of the labor movement over in Arlington!
Union turnout was impressive with big contingents from the Young Active Labor Leaders (YALL), the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans (TARA), and every age group in between. The critical trend toward more participation by non-union organizations such as churches, civil rights organizations and community groups, continues in Dallas County. While most faith-based leaders had to have subsidized tickets in the past, the New Friendship Missionary Baptist Church was this year a “Silver Sponsor” with two full tables!
We stood up, joined hands, and sang “Solidarity Forever” at 10:30 AM. Our principal officer, Mark York, remarked that it may be the first time ever that we finished on time. York, who managed everything from behind the scenes, sacrificed his own time at the microphone to keep the program short.
Over 500 supporters and activists had plenty of time to go to the Tarrant County Labor Day picnic in nearby Arlington.
Several short videos of the event are on line:
- Representative Ana Maria Ramos is on
- Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson is on
- Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto HInojosa is on
- Senator Royce West is on
- More crowd shots and closeups are on, and
Watch our Facebook page “Dallas AFL-CIO” for more photos and videos from our biggest and best Labor Day ever!
More Actions Coming Up
Sep 4, 12:30A: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre in Oak Cliff. Contact 214-729-0063
Sep 7: Grandparents Day
Sep 10, 7P: Clean Elections Texas presents a screening of “Rigged: the Voter Suppression Playbook” at Angelica Film Center, 5321 E Mockingbird Ln. Tickets at
Sep 19, 7:30P: Dallas Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington. 214-826-4808
Sep 20-27: #globalclimatestrike
Sep 28, 10:30A: Tarrant County informational meeting on electoral reform at North Richland Hills Library, 9015 Grand Av, North Richland Hills
Oct 1: International Day of Seniors, or also day of the Elderly