Labor Gains Ground
Dallas labor’s resounding victory in the first round voting for Texas House District 100 was reinforced by more election victories in Kentucky, Virginia, and Louisiana. But there are major battles ahead.
Dallas AFL-CIO Political Director Lorraine Montemayor laid out some of the important challenges at the Central Labor Council meeting on November 21. Most urgent is winning the runoff election for our candidate, Lorraine Birabil, in District 100. Early voting will begin on January 21 and election day is set for January 28.
Even before then, North Texas progressive activists will be deciding on their national and statewide candidate recommendations for the critical 2020 election year. The state federation holds its COPE (Committee on Political Education) conference January 25-26 in Austin. The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans will hold its biennial convention during that same weekend. Usually, local recommendations bear heavily on statewide and national decisions.
The power of labor was illustrated at the Council meeting. Six candidates for 2020 elections, some of them not even in Dallas County, lined up to ask the union delegates for support.
Working families are winning in arenas beyond elections, too. National and even international solidarity is growing, and local activists are becoming more involved. One important upcoming battle is the fight of the American Airline food caterers for a decent contract. Natalie Tran (pictured) of UNITE-HERE asked delegates to Terminal D of the DFW airport on Tuesday, November 26. Picketing will run from 10A to 6P with some of the more critical events beginning at 2P.
Paid Sick Leave Details Available
One of the progressive victories locally is the Paid Sick Leve ordinance now in effect for workers in the City of Dallas. Attorney Hannah Alexander bought a power-point presentation to the Central Labor Council meeting on November 21. It explains details for both employers and employees.
A part of the program of special interest was the ways that the ordinance will affect employees who are already covered by collective bargaining agreements. In general, everybody who works in Dallas is entitled to paid sick leave under the ordinance. Unionized employees are also free to negotiate even better terms.
For a copy of the presentation, contact Hannah Alexander through the Dallas AFL-CIO.
More Actions Coming Up
Nov 26, 10A-6P: Informational picket, rally and clergy delegation for airline catering workers at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Terminal D. Main events at 2P. Contact Kara Sheehan
Dec 20: Another federal government shutdown is possible
Jan 11: Screening of candidates at 1408 N Washington
Jan 16, 7:30P: Dallas Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated union members
Jan 20: Dallas MLK parade
Jan 21: Early vote begins for special election in Texas 100