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Labor Is On a Roll

Gene Lantz, President
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The July 18 Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council had every reason to be upbeat. We swore Travis Cantwell in to serve on the Executive Board as his mighty union, UA 100, affiliates its members.  Cantwell is also State Chairman of the Young Active Labor Leaders.

YALL leaders: David Lowery, Travis Cantwell, Rose Curts

Tommy Jones affiliated for his Newspaper Guild group. Gary Demaree of AFGE 2437, the largest group of federal employees around, said they were affiliating, too. Labor is continuing to generate public actions on the real issues for working families. The next one is a speakout on health care at 1408 N Washington at 11AM July 30, the anniversary of Medicare/Medicaid. 

Gregg Pearlman said he expects major strengthening of the Stagehand’s Union. We’ve had good election news from Mexico, England, France and Nepal. Principal officer Lou Luckhardt talked about the record number of new unions being organized nationwide. Lou proposed, and was soundly backed by all delegates, that we begin political mailings. Lauren Guild of Texas AFL-CIO and Hobie Hukill of our local Council are already training volunteers and starting outreach. 

If we had wanted to worry and fret, there were plenty of reasons coming from anti-union politicians. Lou Luckhardt led a stormy discussion on their announcements, especially those published in “Project 2025.” Tony Chenevert of Alliance/AFT handed out a list of bad intentions. Among the many anti-labor aspects discussed were those presented earlier by   

  • Banning unions for public service workers (page 82)
  • Firing civil service workers and replacing them with Trump anti-union loyalists (page 80)
  • Letting bosses eliminate unions mid-contract (page 603)
  • Letting companies stop paying overtime (page 592) and allowing states to opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage laws (page 605)
  • Eliminating child labor protections (page 595)
  • Urging Congress to pass Sen. JD Vance’s bill to let employers create their own sham company-run unions (page 599)

Rena Honea added that they would kill the entire Department of Education. Justin Chen said that federal employees would be fired. David Marshall of CWA said that news from the anti-labor side was fearsome and could dismay some people, but “This is our opportunity to let our fears propel us!”

 Dallas labor leaders will respond to the challenges with the best political program and the grandest Labor Day Breakfast in North Texas history!

Biggest and best Labor Day coming!

Sign Up Now for Labor's Giant Day

The Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council cordially invites you to our Annual Labor Day Breakfast, Monday September 2, 2024. The breakfast will be held at Longhorn Ballroom 216 Corinth Street Dallas, Texas 75207.

Last year we had an amazing showing of solidarity and support in these tough times. Because of your support, we were able to do great things on behalf of Labor and working families across Dallas County and the state of Texas. We will continue that work with your help and support at this year’s Labor Day Breakfast. Come join us as we celebrate the power of unity and solidarity in Labor.

The doors will open at 8:30 am with breakfast beginning promptly at 8:45 am and ending at 11:00 am.

Single tickets are $40.00; we are again providing the opportunity for sponsorship this year and we are excited to present new package pricing this year. The levels are as follows:

  • Platinum               $4,000 (includes 2 Tables of Ten, in VIP seating, plus Full-Page Ad, + Slideshow)
  • Gold                        $2,750 (includes 2 Tables of Ten, 1 Table in VIP seating, plus Half Page Ad, + Slideshow)
  • Silver                     $1,750 (includes 1 Table of Ten in VIP seating, plus Quarter Page Ad + Slideshow)
  • Bronze                   $600 (includes 1 Table of Ten, plus Slideshow)
  • TABLE                    $350 (includes 1 Table of Ten)

We are again accepting ads for your organization and campaign in this year’s Labor Day Breakfast program. 

  • Full 8x11 Page           $400
  • Half Page                   $200
  • Quarter Page             $100
  • 1/8th Page                   $50

Please submit all ads to Jason Tomlinson at by Friday,August 16, 2024. If you are able to attend, please email Jason Tomlinson at You can also call the office line at 214-826-4808 or 817-475-1756 to make your reservations or to have any of your questions and/or concerns addressed. Checks can be mailed to: 1408 N. Washington Ave. #240, Dallas, TX 75204; or paid online at

Please Join Our Solidarity Brigade

Click here to get updates whenever activists are needed. For text alerts, send the word "action" to the phone number 235246. For the best Texas labor news, write Paste into your browser and join our political program.


Jul 22 6P: Political training with Texas AFL-CIO on ZOOM. Sign up at

Jul 24: Anniversary of hangings of Patrick Jennings, Sam, and Cato – three slaves who did not set the Dallas fire in 1860 but were suspected of talking to a Methodist preacher from the North

Jul 28, 10A: “The Trial of Jane Elkins” and discussion on lynching at Kiest Road Unitarian Church

Jul 30, 11A: Speakout on health care on anniversary of Medicare. Bring your opinions to 1408 N Washington. For more info, contact

Aug 7, 12:30A: Dallas meeting of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans fundraiser will honor Judy Bryant and celebrate Social Security at Charco-Broil, 400 W Jefferson

Aug 14: Anniversary of Social Security

Aug 15, 7:30P: Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington