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Labor Will Choose Candidates

Gene Lantz
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Beginning March 4, the Dallas AFL-CIO will begin a scientific process of choosing candidates to support in the May elections. This process has payed off for Dallas working families with some of the best political leaders anywhere.

[caption caption="Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins is one of the leaders who stands with working people" align="center"]

Labor's screening process for local candidates will include informal meetings, rigorous questionnaires, and personal interviews before endorsements are made. Individual interviews are set for March 14 from 5pm to 9pm. The final decisions will be taken democratically by the entire Central Labor Council at our third Thursday meeting. After that, union families will throw themselves into getting the best people elected!

Dallas Retirees Stand With Women on March 8

By unanimous vote, the Dallas Chapter of the Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Educational Fund is behind  March 8 activities titled “A Day Without A Woman!

Dallas Chapter is meeting at Alliance/AFTDallas Chapter is meeting at Alliance/AFT on First Wednesdays at 12:30P

The leadership of the "Million Women March" on January 21, which resulted in the biggest protests in American history, have called for a general strike on International Women's Day, March 8. They ask people to stay off work if possible, wear red, and not engage in any economic activity other than buying from small businesses owned by women.

The idea of a general strike is largely unknown in our country since 1949, but they have been extremely effective in our labor history. In other countries today , the tactic is well known to working people.

More Actions Coming Up

Mar 4, 9a-2P: 40,000 FREE BOOKS TO KIDS (limit 10 books per child) AT COBB ATHLETIC COMPLEX 1702 R.B. CULLUM, DALLAS 75210. Call Alliance AFT school employees union at (214) 942-4663

Mar 4, 2-3:30P: Good Friday March planning meeting at Northaven United Methodist Church, 11211 Preston Road at Northaven, Dallas

Mar 4: Civil Rights march in Canton, MS, where the Nissan plant is

Mar 4, noon: Int’l /Women’s day at Bath House Cultural Center, White Rock Lake, Dallas. Contact

Mar 4, 6P: Iranian Women present Int’l Women’s Day at Wyndham Hotel, 7800 Alpha Rd, Dallas 75240 Contact 

Mar 6, 6A: Buses leave for Austin for health care lobby day

Mar 8: “A Day Without a Woman” general strike called by the same people who did the “Million Woman March” 

Mar 8, 8A: All day women’s symposium at  Hughes Trigg Student Center at SMU. Registration is closed

Mar 11, 10A-4P: Speakout Against Police Brutality at South Dallas Cultural Center, 3400 S Fitzhugh Dallas TX 75210.  --MAPB 512 N Hampton Rd#148, Desoto 75115.. Anniversary of death of Clinton R Allen

Mar 11, 5P: “Reagan Day Dinner” at Omni Hotel downtown with Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr

Mar 13, 6:30A: Buses leave for the capitol from Alliance/AFT office, Centre & Bishop in Oak Cliff