Locomotives and Labor Start Slowly
The Dallas AFL-CIO completed its election of officers at the 3rd Thursday CLC meeting February 16. Lou Luckhardt for financial secretary-treasurer, Gene Lantz for president, Bonnie Mathias for vice president, and Drew Kennedy for sergeant-at-arms were elected. Caucuses selected their choices for executive board members. All will be sworn in at the March 16 meeting.
Lots of activities that need solidarity and support are under way. The Dallas school board meets on February 23. Contact (george@alliance-aft.org), Flight attendants will picket at Love Field on March 2. Contact (rmarsh@twu556.org). Labor will celebrate International Women’s Day and honor Linda Chavez Thompson with a dinner on March 8. Get tickets and make donations now. Contact (jtomlinson.dallasaflcio@gmail.com)
Jason Tomlinson announced that the new political committee had already held two meetings and will complete the complicated candidate screening and endorsement process well before early voting begins on April 24. Candidates are already applying. The chairperson of Dallas County Democrats appeared at the February 16 meeting to ask for labor’s help. Contact (jtomlinson.dallasaflcio@gmail.com)
Labor’s legislative arm has already analyzed and taken positions on almost 100 bills pending in the Texas legislature. Stay current on all developments by asking to get on Ed Sill’s list. Contact ed@texasaflcio.org.
Once locomotives and labor gather speed, they are very hard to stop!
Feb 17: Filing Deadline for local candidates
Feb 19, 5P: Bilingual “Know Your Rights” presentation at Denton Unitarian Church. Contact Joshua dentonworker@gmail.com
Feb 19: KNON Mardi Gras at Poor David’s Pub
Mar 1, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of TARA meets at AFT Hall, Bishop & Centre in Oak Cliff. Everyone invited. judy4tara@aol.com or 214-729-0063
Mar 2, 9:30A-2P: Picket with TWU 556 Flight Attendants in front of Love Field. Contact rmarsh@twu556.org
Mar 6, 6P: Educational meeting on the Texas legislative process at Tarrant County Central Labor Council| 4025 Rufe Snow Dr., Fort Worth, Texas 76180. Contact angi.defelippo@tcclc.org
Mar 8: Celebrate International Women’s day with Linda Chavez-Thompson at 1408 N Washington
Mar 10: Texas Legislature bill filing deadline
Feb 23,6P: DISD Board meeting at 5151 Samuel Blvd. Contact george@alliance-aft.org
Mar 9, 7PM: Young Active Labor Leaders monthly meeting. Contact quinnopolis@gmail.com
Mar 13: Alliance/AFT buses go to Austin for Lobby Day. Contact george@alliance-aft.org
Mar 16, 7:30P: Monthly meeting for Dallas Central Labor Council. All members of affiliated unions invited. Contact jtomlinson.dallasaflcio@gmail.com
Mar 18, 1P Eastern: Anti-war march on Washington
Mar 31: Cesar Chavez’ Birthday
Apr 5 (tentative): Congressman Veasey’s Labor Steering Committee
Apr 12: TSEU State Employees' lobby day. Contact judy4tara@aol.com
Apr 24: Early voting begins