Walk With Rick Tomorrow
AFL-CIO President Rick Levy is scheduled to help Dallas AFL-CIO tomorrow, Saturday. Labor’s last election push begins tomorrow, May 21, with canvassing. Activists are asked begin assembling at 9AM at the big parking lot inside Kiest Park. Access Conservation drive from Kiest Street and bear to the left. The map is at https://goo.gl/maps/XGtQo9m1wyiTKier9.
Phone banking will continue through election day. Contact Jason Tomlinson jtomlinson.dallasaflcio@gmail.com or Marilyn Davis marilyn@texasaflcio.org.
Labor-endorsed candidate Venton Jones tentatively plans his Victory party at “Area one-eleven restaurant, 111 Oak Lawn Ave Dallas, TX 75207. Check his Facebook page on election day to make certain. https://www.facebook.com/ventonj.
Labor’s choices are listed on our web site: https://www.texasaflcio.org/dallas/labors-election-work/dallas-labors-choices-2022-primary-runoff-election
Cruz Pushes Democracy Closer to Edge
Texas Senator Ted Cruz, backed by the Supreme Court, has pushed American democracy further toward it’s precarious precipice. The majority of the court ruled that Cruz and any other rich politician can make unlimited loans to their own campaigns, then raise money to cover the loans after the election. In other words, a winning candidate may offer his/herself to the highest bidder, providing he/she was already sufficiently wealthy.
May 23, 10A: Senior Citizens’ Town Hall with Congressman Marc Veasey. Register at: https://tthm.wufoo.com/forms/telephone-town-hall-with-congressman-veasey/
May 24: Primary runoff election
Jun 5, 2PM: Gay pride “Freedom March” steps off from the Colliseum in Fair Park
Jun 18: Poor People’s March in Washington DC
Jul 14-16: Texas Democratic Party convention at Dallas Convention Center
Jul 22-24: Young Active Labor Leaders statewide meeting. https://www.facebook.com/YALLDFW
Sep 9-10: Women's Summit
Oct 28: Deadline to receive vote-by-mail applications for general election
Nov 8: General election