
We'll get some answers on January 20, others will take longer, but not much longer:
- Will Congress give in to Trump’s demand and recess while he does all his appointments?
- Will the Justice Department and the judiciary branch of government allow themselves to be used for Trump’s vendettas against anyone who has opposed him?
- Will the coercive forces of America cooperate with Trump’s plan for mass deportations? Border Patrols? Police? State troopers? National Guardsmen?
- Will Trump declare a national emergency and try to use the military for his mass deportations? If he does, will the military cooperate?
- Will vigilantes be allowed play a big extralegal role in mass deportations?
- Will disinformation continue to murder truth?
- Will the most vulnerable members of our society, seniors and children, be sacrificed on the altar of greed?
- Will Trump start trade wars with Canada, Mexico, and China? If he does, will prices go through the roof?
- Will Elon Musk be able to evaporate some government agencies and starve the others? Will Musk create massive layoffs and unemployment among former public employees?
- Will layoffs and price increases stop people from paying our $18 trillion debts, especially immediate credit card debts, and put our consumer-driven economy into a tailspin?
- Will the BRICS international economic consortium gain the lead over the United States in global economic hegemony?
- Will the American people rally around organized labor and the civil rights movement to blunt the savagery of attacks by Trump and Musk?
The prudent answer to these questions is “yes, but…” There is ample reason to believe that Trump and Musk will try to implement all these horrors against working families. At the same time, the trend toward general support for organized labor and the civil rights movement is sure to increase. The biggest question is this:
“Which side will prevail?”
You provide the Answers!
Everyone, all sizes and ages, has opportunities now to join the fight for justice and democracy. Dallas labor's principal officer, Lou Luckhardt (, is organizing actions where everyone can help:
The Citizens Forum on January 11 will help bring citizenship for workers with green cards. We’re going to need anybody who can help, but especially translators, people with legal expertise, labor law practitioners, and fund raisers.

The Dallas MLK March and Parade is an opportunity to strengthen the all-important alliance of civil rights and the broader cause of all working people. Hopefully, organizers from Women’s March and Poor People’s March will join. They might form their own contingents or join with labor.
Steelworkers are organizing in Mesquite. Organizing drives are everywhere.
Don’t miss an opportunity to support the good guys in the Texas Legislature. They have mighty battles ahead. Dallas’ own State Senator Nathan Johnson will be trying to get Texas to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid for Texas children and seniors. Our Representative Johnny Bryant is organizing for a live-or-die fight to save our children's schools.
Organizing drives at Amazon and Starbucks have gone from local to nationwide. It is likely that new struggles will also begin to use nationwide, or even international, strategies. Contact Stu Becker Everybody has a critical part to play.

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Contact List
- Political Committee Earnest Tilley
- Pride at Work Shayla Nguyen
- Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Judy Bryant
- Young Active Labor Leaders Stu Becker
Dec 30: Deadline for registration and $150 fee for the Dallas MLK parade on Jan 18.
Jan 3: New Congress sworn in
Jan 8, 12:30A: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre. To participate on-line, register here
Jan 9, 11A: Covered dish luncheon at 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. To participate on-line, register here
Jan 9-12: National AFL-CIO Civil Rights Conference in Austin
Jan 11, 9A-3P: Citizens Clinic for green-card holders who want to be citizens and people who want to help them at 334 Centre. Contact
Jan 16, 7:30P: Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated union members
Jan 18: Dallas MLK and other marches are scheduled. They will surely find a way to come together, Join the labor contingent! Contact
Jan 20: New U.S. President sworn in
Jan 25, 2P: Debates for candidates for Texas Democratic Party Chair either at the LBJ Ranch or via Zoom
Jan 31: Deadline for eligible high school seniors to apply for the Texas AFL-CIO Scholarship — a one-time $1,500 grant learn more
Feb 24-27: 2025 Construction Working Minds Summit, at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel, 1500 Convention Center Drive. More info here
Mar 14: Possible government shutdown