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Reach Out With Labor!

Gene Lantz, President
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It is not too late to get Labor Day Breakfast advanced tickets for your family and friends. We will gather in the historic Longhorn Ballroom to learn labor's perspectives from one of the most dynamic leaders of one of the most dynamic unions in America, newly elected International President Claude Cummings of the Communications Workers of America. 

CWA International President Claude Cummings

We will be fraternizing with North Texas leaders of the striking Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) and getting a message from the President of the National AFL-CIO, Liz Shuler. $35 individual tickets can be paid for by check to "Dallas AFL-CIO," 1408 N Washington#240, Dallas Texas 75204 or by using our Paypal account at

Please cut and paste the link into your own emails.

It is not too late to get tickets, but the brochure had to go to the printers last week. According to the artist and organizer Jason Tomlinson,, it is by far the largest brochure we have ever printed with 44 pages of labor supporters! Activists will want to keep this year's brochure because it is a virtual "Who's Who" of progressive Texas political leaders. 

Reach Out!

The Labor Day Breakfast is our focus, but North Texas activists are also reaching out to  faith organizations and community groups. We already have a record number of speakers making presentations between now and the week after September 4. The AFL-CIO’s “Labor in the Pulpit” program asks us to talk about labor, even if only 3-5 minutes, in our church, mosque, or synagogue, let me know.

American labor is changing fast, and no one explains it better than our activists -- especially those from the Young Active Labor Leaders (YALL).

Please join the Dallas AFL-CIO Solidarity Brigade

More Actions Coming Up

Aug 26, 5P: YALL social evening at The Billiard Den, 580 W Arapaho#136, Richardson

Aug 27, 2-4P: Remembrance of Chase Buie at Uptown Theater in downtown Grand Prairie. Contact UAW 848 972-264-2431

Aug 29: 26,000 American Professional Flight Attendants complete voting on a strike authorization

Aug 31, 6:30P: Gene Lantz speaks up for labor on-line. Join the meeting at

Sep 1: International Day of Trade Unions for Peace

Sep 3, 10A: Gene Lantz leads labor singalong at Unitarian Fellowship in Oak Cliff. Britni Cuington speaks for labor at on-line services

Sep 4: 8:30A: Dallas AFL-CIO Labor Day Breakfast at Longhorn Ballroom, 216 Corinth, 75207. Contact

Sep 4, 10A: Tarrant County Central Labor Council — Labor Fest at “The Shack” Panther Island Pavilion, 395 Purcey St in Fort Worth

Sep 17: YALL leader Rosie Curts speaks for labor at Unitarian Fellowship in Hurst