The Rest Is Easy!

Dallas AFL-CIO has endorsed the best candidates after questionnaires, pledges, live interviews, and much discussion. All that's left to do is get everybody to vote.
New endorsements
County Commissioner Dist 1: Dr. Theresa Daniel
County Commissioner, Dist 3: John Wiley Price
Tax Assessor: John Ames
Sheriff: Marian Brown
162nd Dist. Court Judge: Kim Bailey Phipps
5th Court of Appeals Place 9: Tina Yoo Clinton
5th Court of Appeals Place 11: Cory Carlyle
5th Court of Appeals, Place 13: Tonya Parker
Chief Justice, Dallas Court of Appeals: Dennise Garcia
95th District Court Judge: Monica Purdy
Texas endorsements that were previously posted:
HD 100: Venton Jones
HD 102 Ana Maria Ramos
HD103 Rafael Anchia
HD 104 Jessica Gonzales
HD105 Terry Meza
HD 107 Linda Garcia
HD 108 Yasmin Simon
HD 109 Aicha Davis
HD 110 Toni Rose
HD 111 Yvonne Davis
HD 112 Averie Bishop
HD 113 Rhetta Andrews Bowers
HD 114 John Bryant
HD 115 Cassandra Hernandez
SD 8 Rachel Mello
SD 16 Nathan Johnson
SD 23 Royce West
CD30 Jasmine Crockett
CD33 Marc Veasey
Alliance/AFT will soon have endorsements for school board trustees. Share the endorsements with this link:
For more information:
Some of labor’s candidates will join us at 10 AM Tuesday, February 20, at 600 Commerce in downtown Dallas as we rally for early voting. Labor-endorsed women candidates will be featured at our “Women Rising” celebration of International Women’s Day at 2PM on March 9 at 1408 N Washington. The Texas AFL-CIO Women’s Committee, Dallas AFL-CIO, Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, and Texas Alliance for Retired Americans are co-sponsoring. The event will be fun and free.

Congratulations to Fighting Flight Attendants
Elections aren't the only sphere of struggle for working families. On February 13, Thirty cities saw flight attendants rally against airline management's stalling on their contracts. Our own Transport Workers Union Local 556 and their friends rallied at Love Field. This photo came in from the Actors Union, SAG-AFTRA.

Please Join our Solidarity Brigade
We update the action calendar on our web page as new events are set. You can combine labor’s Google calendar into yours. We're always looking for speaking opportunities for our Speakers Bureau. Stu Becker, Co-Chair of DFW Young Active Labor Leaders, was added to our list of outreach specialists. For text reminders of immediate actions, text the word “action” to the phone number 235246.
Please Join our Solidarity Brigade
Feb 16: Filing deadline for Dallas school board candidates
Feb 17: U.S. House recesses. Go see your congressperson
Feb 20, 10A: Early vote rally at George Allen Courthouse, 600 Commerce in Dallas. Everybody welcome
Feb 20, 10A: First day of early voting. Rally across from George Allen Courthouse, 600 Commerce in Dallas. Everybody welcome
Feb 20, 6P: Voting Rights Event with Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett at Dallas College Brookhaven Campus
Feb 21, 4P: Retirees begin phone banking. Contact 214-729-0063
Feb 22, 3P: Free, one hour online webinar detailing this year’s key retirement security legislative outlook and issues. RSVP
Feb 23: Last day that elections departments will receive applications to vote by mail for the March 5 election. It's still OK to apply for the rest of the year
Feb 24: Young Active Labor Leaders “Soul Food Festival” social. Contact Stu Becker at
Mar 1: New partial government shutdown crisis is likely
Mar 5: SB4 “Show your papers” law may go into effect. Brown-eyed people watch out!
Mar 5: Primary election day
Mar 6, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre in Oak Cliff. Contact Judy 214-729-0063
Mar 8: New partial government shutdown crisis is likely
Mar 9, 2P: “Women Rising” reception for union endorsed women candidates celebrating International Women’s Day. Contact Robin Johnson at
Mar 9-10: KNON Bluesfest at Poor David’s Pub
Mar 21, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO meeting for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington
Apr 17: Charity Sporting Clays Shoot at Greystone Castle Sporting Club in Mingus, Texas. Benefit the March of Dimes
Apr 22-30: Early voting in Dallas $1.25B bond election
Apr 26-27: Texas AFL-CIO Women’s Summit at Southpark Hotel, 4140 Governors Row, Austin. Registration is $125. Contact Robin Johnson at
May 4: Dallas $1.25B bond elections Pub