Shall We Share Our Holiday Joy?
North Texas union people are sharing Christmas cheer. The Dallas AFL-CIO holiday project with Tarrant AFL-CIO and Young Active Labor Leaders has already raised more than $500 for the locked-out refinery workers in Beaumont. Toy & food donations can be dropped off at 4025 Rufe Snow Dr., N. Richland Hills, TX 76180 M-F 9 AM - 3 PM or contact Angi DeFelippo at 214-293-5862 to coordinate your drop off. Cutoff for food & toys in North Texas is December 19. Contribute on-line here.
Since May 1, Exxon-Mobile has forced suffering on more than 650 families there. We are working to help the Steelworkers add another “win” into labor’s column. Other known cash donations have come from our labor-related retiree organization and UAW 848. The state labor federation is also raising funds for these families.
The North Texas Food Bank will benefit from the Communication Workers’ annual holiday dinner on December 8. The Machinists Lodge 776 has been collecting bicycles and other toys for needy children. Their donation deadline is December 10.
Labor Steps Ahead
The Bakers Union, BCTGM, has announced a tentative contract for its Kellogg’s workers after a long strike. UAW members voted for direct “one member one vote” elections of top leaders. Amazon workers in Alabama will get a second chance to vote union because management was condemned for illegal practices in the first election.
The Communications Workers have announced a number of victories in organizing journalists and civil liberties activists. The American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees is organizing child care workers!
Meanwhile, management is hitting back hard. Major league baseball players have been locked out during their contract dispute. All over the nation, working families are proving that divisiveness loses and solidarity wins!
If you're ready to join Dallas labor's many efforts, click here. To receive occasional text alerts about important activities, text the word "action" to the telephone number 235246.
More Actions Coming Up
Dec 8, 11A-3P and 5:30P-8:30P: Communications Workers Annual Holiday Dinner will benefit North Texas Food Bank
Dec 11: Scheduled Christmas recess for Congress (may be postponed)
Dec 13: Filing deadline for 2022 elections
Feb 18: Next crisis over possible government shutdown