Unity is Critical

Unity with undocumented workers will be the first great challenge for labor on January 20. That is the reason that the Dallas AFL-CIO's effort for the undocumented, the Citizenship Forum on January 11, is the best possible strategic move.

To help, contact principal officer Lou Luckhardt at lluckhardt.dallasaflcio@gmail.com. It is a fundamental axiom of worker unity that the less-oppressed must reach out to the more-oppressed sectors. The $10/hour workers will never put aside their problems to unify with the $30/hour workers. The other way around, with the $30/hour workers reaching out, is the only way to get the power that unity brings.

American labor has not always met this test. The American Federation of Labor was begun with a strong anti-racist philosophy, but they fell to supporting the 19th century Chinese Exclusion Act and were soon afterward accepting segregated unions. The Industrial Workers of the World's attempt to organize all workers into "One Big Union" was deliberately anti-racist, but they barely survived government oppression in World War I. It fell to the Congress of Industrial Organizations to make industrial organization of all workers, including immigrants, sustainable. However, their 1955 merger into the AFL-CIO left a big question mark on unity. It wasn't until 1999 that the AFL-CIO made a definite commitment to organizing immigrants, instead of calling for deportations, that unity in our American labor movement became possible.
American labor now has a program that works -- but we have to carry it out!
Unity Needs Civil Rights
A major rift in the labor movement was healed on January 8th, when the Service Workers (SEIU) formally rejoined the AFL-CIO. Another big step is the Civil Rights Conference now underway in Austin. The biggest opportunity for Dallas activists is the Martin Luther King Jr March and Parade at 10AM on Saturday, January 18. We will park our cars at Fair Park and join our contingent in the lineup at the Pennsylvania Street entrance. As always, we welcome all of labor's supporters.
Usually, tens of thousands of potential union supporters line up to watch the parade, and it always draws major news coverage. Our proud contingent will help with the organizing drives underway and future efforts. To help, contact principal officer Lou Luckhardt at lluckhardt.dallasaflcio@gmail.com.
Join Our Solidarity Brigade
Click here to get updates whenever activists are needed. For text alerts, send the word "action" to the phone number 235246. Paste Bit.ly/DallasCLC?r=qr into your browser and join our political program.
Contact List
- Political Committee Earnest Tilley etilley2006@yahoo.com
- Pride at Work Shayla Nguyen shaylan3912@gmail.com
- Texas Alliance for Retired Americans Judy Bryant judy4tara@aol.com
- Young Active Labor Leaders Stu Becker stubecker89@gmail.com
Jan 9-12: National AFL-CIO Civil Rights Conference in Austin
Jan 10: Sentencing date for Donald Trump
Jan 11, 9A-3P: Citizens Clinic for green-card holders who want to be citizens and people who want to help them at 334 Centre. Contact lluckhardt.dallasaflcio@gmail.com
Jan 14, 7:30A: Workers Defense Project bus to Austin leaves from 3530 ForestLn#215B. Leaves Austin at 2:30P to get home that evening. More info
Jan 14: Texas Legislature begins session with election of Speaker of the House
Jan 15: First day for filing application/petition for place on the ballot in May 3 local elections
Jan 16, 7:30P: Central Labor Council meeting for all affiliated union members
Jan 18: Dallas MLK and other marches are scheduled. They will surely find a way to come together, Join the labor contingent! Contact lluckhardt.dallasaflcio@gmail.com
Jan 19, 1P: Palestinian Youth Movement protest at Dallas City Hall
Jan 20: New U.S. President sworn in
Jan 25, 2P: Debates for candidates for Texas Democratic Party Chair either at the LBJ Ranch or via Zoom
Jan 30, 7P: Dallas Area Interfaith will hold a call to action at Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church, 1101 Reverend CBT Smith Street. RSVP here
Jan 31: Deadline for eligible high school seniors to apply for the Texas AFL-CIO Scholarship — a one-time $1,500 grant learn more
Feb 5, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre. Everybody welcome. For an an on-line opportunity, register here. Contact judy4tara@aol.com
Feb 13, 11A: Covered dish luncheon at 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. To participate on-line, register here
Feb 14: Filing deadline for candidates in May 3 election
Feb 24-27: 2025 Construction Working Minds Summit, at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel, 1500 Convention Center Drive. More info here
Mar 14: Another possible government shutdown