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We're Winning!

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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America's many successful labor strikes are only the visible part of union success. Even without public action, union locals are improving wages and benefits all over the nation. Working families love this upsurge. A recent poll showed that 74% of Americans approve of the October strike wave!

How Do We Keep Winning?

Inspired union leaders and activists are adjusting our goals and practices to keep on winning. The Texas AFL-CIO asked its Executive Board members to express their goals for the future during the October 26 statewide meeting in Austin. "Breakout groups" made a long list of optimistic plans.


At the top of the list is growing our labor movement.  Creating more union locals is only one way to grow. Another is signing up workers who have previously neglected to take advantage of unions available to them. Organizers from the Texas State Employees Union and American Federation of Teachers, for example, are reporting successes. Another is helping good union members train to be even better. Another, possibly the most important, is networking with activists who do not presently have a union.

Some other popular goals of the Texas leadership include:

  • More youth involvement
  • More community involvement
  • Winning elections
  • Winning legislative goals such as getting rid of the "right to scab" law
  • More digital outreach

Working people who like winning are encouraged to get on the AFL-CIO's program. Dallas activists can sign up here.


Oct 29, 3P: Environmental action at Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2200 N Pearl St Dallas, TX 75201

Nov 2: Election day

Nov 6, 1P: Black Lives Matter march from Dealey Plaza to Dallas City Hall

Dec 3: Next possible government shutdown