Good Gets Better

Dallas AFL-CIO Vice-President Bonnie Mathias, who keeps a close eye on elections, says that voter turnout is going great. Judy Bryant ( reports that her active retirees that are phone banking for endorsed candidate Nathan Johnson are hearing good things from voters. Early voting ends today, March 1, at 7PM. More voters will turn out between 7AM and 7PM on March 5. Labor-endorsed candidates are running strong.

More good news on the political front came with the AFL-CIO’s annual report card on Congress. Our local leaders Colin Allred, Jasmine Crockett, and Colin Allred all received grades of 100%. By contrast, Irving Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne, not a union endorsee, received a fat zero.
The labor market, most critical part of the overall economy, continues to roar. The economy looks especially good for North Texas. Federal infrastructure money will be pouring in, and our area is due to get a bonanza from the World Cup that’s coming.
Thousands of jobs will be created here, but one big question needs to be answered: “What kind of jobs?”
Will they be safe jobs? Will they pay well? Will everybody get a fair chance for employment? Will workers get the dignity we deserve?
Organized Labor Makes Jobs into Good Jobs
Federal money and World Cup money should be directed into providing decent jobs that will benefit North Texans. Without labor’s input, though, bosses can be counted on to do everything on the cheap. That’s why Dallas and Tarrant County Central Labor Councils are working with the funding sources to make those jobs safe, fair, and well-paying. We need union locals to demand a seat at the planning tables. We need cooperating affinity groups to push their way into the circles where big-dollar decisions are being made. Contact our principal officer, Lou Luckhardt at
We Win When We Take Action
In defense of City of Dallas workers, the United Steelworkers Local 9487 is calling for us to join a picket line from 11AM to 1PM and from 4PM to 6PM on March 11 at 7800 N. Stemmons. The issue is worker safety in that very building. Get ready for our 2PM March 9 celebration of International Women’s Day at 1408 N Washington. Contact The Economic Policy Institute is highlighting the astronomical rise in strike activity by workers, the historically low Black unemployment rate, and the fight against child labor. Communications Workers District 6 reports a good tentative contract with AT&T Mobility Southwest. A judge has delayed implementation of SB4, the “show me your papers” law. The Texas AFL-CIO is looking to hire someone to coordinate work with immigrants. Contact Maria Thomas aflcio.
Maybe it takes a village to teach a child, but it takes a well-organized mass movement to stand up to the bosses!

Please Join our Solidarity Brigade
We update the action calendar on our web page as new events are set. You can combine labor’s Google calendar into yours. We're always looking for speaking opportunities for our Speakers Bureau. Stu Becker, Co-Chair of DFW Young Active Labor Leaders, was added to our list of outreach specialists. For text reminders of immediate actions, text the word “action” to the phone number 235246.
Please Join our Solidarity Brigade
Now: Monday-Sat, 9A-5P: Teamsters 997 pickets at Molson Coors, 7001 South Freeway in Ft Worth
Now: U.S. House in recess. Go see your congressperson
Now: Early voting continues until 7PM March 1. Retirees are phone banking. Contact 214-729-0063
Mar 3, 1P: March for London’s Lymphedema starts at Cedar Hill Recreation Center on E Parkerville Rd Contact UAW 848 leader Corey at (214) 402-8958
Mar 5: Primary election day
Mar 6, 12:30P: Dallas Chapter of Texas Alliance for Retired Americans meets at 334 Centre in Oak Cliff. Contact Judy 214-729-0063
Mar 7, 7P: “State of the Union” message. Labor endorsed candidate Terry Meza’s watch party at Vito's Pizza & Grill at 1975 Esters Rd. Irving, Texas 75061.
Mar 8: New partial government shutdown crisis is likely
Mar 9, 2P: “Women Rising” reception for union endorsed women candidates celebrating International Women’s Day. Contact Robin Johnson at
Mar 9-10: KNON Bluesfest at Poor David’s Pub
Mar 21, 7:30P: Dallas AFL-CIO meeting for all affiliated members at 1408 N Washington
Apr 17: Charity Sporting Clays Shoot at Greystone Castle Sporting Club in Mingus, Texas. Benefit the March of Dimes
Apr 22-30: Early voting in Dallas $1.25B bond election
Apr 26-27: Texas AFL-CIO Women’s Summit at Southpark Hotel, 4140 Governors Row, Austin. Registration is $125. Contact Robin Johnson at
May 4: Dallas $1.25B bond elections