Texas Alliance for Retired Americans
The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans is a part of a 4.5 million member national Alliance for Retired Americans with organizations in 35 states. TARA as the Texas group is known, seeks to enroll, educate and mobilize retired union, senior and community activists into a statewide grassroots movement advocating on behalf of Texas retirees and seniors. Both union and community retirees become members for a nominal yearly donation. We welcome members of any age who are interested in preserving and defending the right to retire, which is under constant attack. Our motto is “Let’s not be the last generation to retire”, as we work to save the earned benefits of both current and future retirees.
TARA has active chapters in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Coastal Bend (Corpus Christi and surrounding area), and San Antonio, with charters soon to come for chapters in East Texas and Houston. Members have regular meetings to inform them about various issues, but also take actions as they “hit the streets” to express their views on a variety of topics. These actions include No Cuts to Social Security/Medicare/ Medicaid; No Fast Track/TPP due to increased drug and medical device costs; Raise The Wage as many seniors still work and can never retire; Stand Up To ALEC; Expand Medicaid in Texas; and No Privatizing of Our Schools. TARA and all state groups yearly celebrate the birthdays of Medicare and Social Security with special events such as the 2015 celebrations of Medicare Turns 50 and Social Security turns 80 in a number of Texas cities. TARA members become Deputy Voter Registrars to work registering senior voters and providing Vote By Mail applications to fight the oppressive Texas Voter ID Law. Calls, emails and in person visits to Congressional and State officials, both in Washington DC and Texas, are a regular part of TARA actions as we keep elected officials informed about all our senior issues.
We welcome you to join us in our fight to preserve retirement. Please visit our website at www.texasretiredamericans.org or our Facebook page at Texas Alliance for Retired Americans for more information.