The following persons belong to the Texas AFL-CIO COPE (Committee on Political Education) Club -- a political arm of the Texas AFL-CIO -- by agreeing to contribute at least $250 to the COPE campaign. All members receive a membership pin.
Aguilar, Leonard (Texas AFL-CIO)
Amps, Emily (Texas AFL-CIO)
Anderson, Dennis (UAW 2360)
Colbert, Tamilia (APWU 114)
Corgey, Dean (SIU)
Cummings, Jr., Claude (CWA)
Easton, Jr., John (IBEW)
Eliano, Cheryl (AFGE)
Forbes, Lee (Texas AFL-CIO)
Fuentes, Charles (CWA)
Gonzalez, Ana Y. (OPEIU 277)
Langston, Doyle (NALC)
Levy, Rick (Texas AFL-CIO)
Lopez, Jr., David (IUEC 21)
Medley, Lee (USW 13-1)
Moeller, Becky (Texas AFL-CIO/CWA Retiree)
Quinzi, Patty (Texas AFT)
Schulze, Jeanne (AFGE 1003)
Sills, Ed (Texas AFL-CIO)
Smith, Shawn (SMW 49)
Strange, Jerrod (Ironworkers 263)
Turner, Tyler (OPEIU 277)
Wagner, Chris (IBEW)
Warwick III, Price (IBEW 20)
Worthey, Joshua (IBEW 220)
Albert, David (AFT 6249)
Alexander, Gwen (AFSCME/HOPE 123)
Allen, Claretta (CWA Retiree)
Allen, Ed (IBEW 66)
Allen, Vickii (AFGE 1920)
Alley, David (IBEW 716)
Anderson, Jackie White (AFT 2415)
Anthony, John (USW)
Armstrong, William (AFGE 1033)
Arnold, Mike (BAC/AFL-CIO Retiree)
Baker, Bernadette (APWU 185)
Baker, Clarence (IUEC 21)
Barreto, Fabiola (OPEIU 277)
Barton, Jamie (USW)
Bass, Victor (ILA 24)
Beard, David (USW 752)
Below, Shonda (AFT 6568)
Berryman, Trey (SMW 54)
Betancourt, Carl (SMW 67)
Beuerlein, Joe (IUEC 21)
Block, Robinson (IAFF 341)
Bordovsky, Stanley (SMW 54)
Bosquez, Abel G. (IAM 1255)
Bowie, Del (CWA 6127 Retiree)
Bradley, Carol (AFGE Retiree)
Bradshaw, James (UAW)
Brenneman, Ben (IBEW 520)
Brisker, Calvin (IBEW 716)
Brown, David (CWA 6150)
Brown, Linda (CWA 6201 Retiree)
Brown, Priscilla (CWA 6201 Retiree)
Bryant, Judy (AFT 2260 Retiree)
Buresh, Gary (IBEW)
Burton, Carolyn (TWU Retiree)
Caldwell, Clara (CWA Memorial)
Cantwell, Travis (UA 100)
Capo, Zeph (Texas AFT)
Carlin, Tom (TWU)
Carpino Daniels, Joanne (TWU 513)
Cash, Bob (OPEIU 277/CWA/TSEU)
Castro, Laura (APWU 739)
Cavazos, Rachel (IAMAW/LIUNA)
Chavez-Thompson, Linda (Retiree)
Chenevert, Tony (AFT 2260 Retiree)
Cole, Philip (USW)
Comeaux, Bob (AFT 1356)
Cortes, Andrew (UFCW 540)
Crandell, Mark (Insulators 22)
Cummins, Thomas L. (Bexar Federation of Teachers)
Cunningham, Michael (Texas Bldg Trades Retiree)
Cutburth, Zack (IUEC 21)
Darby, Jeff (AFGE 2139)
Davidson, Mary E. (LIUNA 1095)
Dawson, Leslie (USW Retiree)
Day, Kenneth (ATU 1338)
Dee, Richard (Ironworkers)
Del Rio, Alicia (AFT)
Delp, Bo (UNITE HERE 23)
Dent, Harmon (USW Retiree)
Dewey, Andy (AFT 2415)
Diegel, Rick (IBEW)
Dlouhy, Lynnesa (OPEIU 129/UAPP 68)
Doblado, Alex (CWA 6215)
Dolney, Barbara (IATSE 896)
Doss, Les (NALC Retiree)
Drumgo, Brian (ILA 24)
Dunlap, Traci (AFT 2048)
Edgerly, Flo (IAM)
Edmondson, Oliver (UAW 119)
Embree, Alice (CWA 6186 Retiree)
Ewig, Mark (CWA 6210)
Falks, Deborah (AFGE 1033 Retiree)
Fallon, Gayle (AFT 2415 Retiree)
Faulk, Shannon (AFGE/OPEIU 2)
Franken, Mark (CWA)
Frye, Andy (USW)
Fulbright, Lewis E. (APWU)
Galupi, Charlie (IAM 776)
Garcia, Carolina (UFCW 540)
Gardner, Andrea (ILA 1351)
Gardner, John (TWU 513)
Gardner, Jonathan B. (IBEW)
Garza, Ruben (USW)
Gentry, Suzan (CWA Retiree)
Goines, Phyllis (IBEW 220)
Golden, Brian (TWU)
Golightly, Maxine (CWA 6214)
Gonzales, David (IBEW 479)
Gonzalez, Monica (NNU)
Gould, Michael (USW Retiree)
Grady, Mark (IATSE 51)
Granger, Brian (UA Plumbers 68)
Gross, Michael (TSEU/CWA 6186 Retiree)
Grounds, Barry (IBEW 66)
Groves, Mary (CWA 6222 Retiree)
Guild, Lauren (OPEIU 277)
Hallford, Currie (CWA)
Haney, Ryan (Teamsters 745)
Hartman, Eric (AFT 2048)
Hernandez, Jennifer (IUPAT DC 10)
Hetzel, Edna (FOL)
Hinojosa, Mike (CWA 6171)
Hobbs-Marsh, Renda (556)
Houston, Candis (AFT 6345)
Hukill, Hobie (AFT 2260)
Hutchinson, Seth (TSEU/CWA 6186)
Javior, Paul B. (IUE Retiree)
Jimenez, Maria (CWA 6132 Retiree)
Johnson, Derex (UFCW 540)
Johnson, Ruthie (SEIU/AFSCME Retiree)
Johnson, Willie Charles (NALC 404)
Jones, Elaine (AFT Retiree)
Jones, Thomas (AFT)
Jordan, Louise (NALC 421)
Kelley, Annette (CWA 6222)
Kenyon, Billy (SMW 54)
Khalil, Hany (TXGCALF)
Kissling, Irene (FOL)
Kneupper, Richard (CWA District 6)
Kramer, Maggie (IUPAT Retiree)
LaBroski, Jeffrey (UA Plumbers 68)
Lahner, Greg (USW 13-1)
Landrum, Mark (IBEW 716)
Landry, Richard (Hoot) (USW)
Lane, Pat (IAM 776)
Lantz, Gene & Elaine (UAW)
LaPray, Matthew (USW 13-243)
Latson, Charice (IBEW 60)
Latson, Traci (AFT 2415)
Lewis, Kimetra (NALC)
Lilienfeld, Ben (USW)
Lopez, Jason (AFSCME 1624)
Lord, Phillip (UAPP)
Lord, Rick (UA Plumbers 68)
Lord, Wayne (UA Plumbers 68)
Luckey, Jeffery (ATU 1338)
Luckhardt, Lou (USW 9487 Retiree)
Lugo, Judy (CWA 6186)
Maben, Denise (IAM&AW Retiree)
Mahoney, Tim (TSEU/CWA Retiree)
Malfaro, Louis (AFT 2048)
Malone, Jay (TXGCAFL)
Manion, Luke (IAFF 341)
Mann, Sue (UFCW 455 Retiree)
Markwiese, Emily (OPEIU 277)
Marshall, David (CWA 6215)
Martin, Jesse (CWA Retiree)
Martinez, Diane (FOL)
Masters, Conrad D. (UBC)
Mathias, Bonnie (CWA 6215)
Mayfield, Shelton (NALC Retiree)
Mayo, Donny (IBEW 66)
Mayshaw, Michael (IUEC 21)
McDaniel, Thomas (TWU 556)
McDavid, Ginny (AFA-CWA)
McDuffie, Sylvia (Sabine Area CLC Retiree)
McMahan, Diana (CWA 6222)
McMurrey, Ray (AFT- Corpus Christi)
Mendez, Felipe (UFCW 540)
Meza, Hector (USW 13-1)
Mims, Pauline (UAW 276)
Mitchell, Cathy (IUPAT Retiree)
Montemayor, Joe (CWA 6186)
Montemayor, Lorraine (OPEIU 277)
Morales, Linda (OPEIU)
Morris, Micky (NALC)
Morris, Tony (TWU 513)
Munoz, Romeo (UAW 848)
Murillo, Marinella (AFGE 3320 Retiree)
Nauls, James (CWA 6186)
O’Rourke, Anita (USW Retiree)
O’Sullivan, John (AFT)
Oppenheim, Richard (AFM 23)
Ormsby, Jeff (AFSCME)
Orsak, Ronnie (IUOE 564)
Ortiz, Beverly (SEIU Texas)
Osobase, Derrick (CWA/TSEU)
Owen, Martha (FOL)
Padilla, Tony (TCU)
Paez, Donna (ILA 24)
Pannell, Ann (IBEW)
Parker, Ruelle (USW)
Parks, Sheronda (UFCW 540)
Perales, Jesus (OPEIU 277)
Perez-Wiseley, Teresa (AFSCME Retiree)
Petterway, Artis (AFT Retiree)
Pollock, Ryan (IBEW 520)
Ramos, Pauline (IAM 776A)
Ramos, Terri (OPEIU 277)
Rangel, George (AFT 2260 Retiree)
Reagan, Joanna E. (BAC Retiree)
Reid, Edward L. (ATU 694)
Reyes, Gonzalo (UFCW 540)
Riggs, Carolyn P. (USW 13-2001)
Rivers, James (CWA 6201 Retiree)
Rocha, Cindy (CWA 6201 Retiree)
Rock, Richard (USW 235A)
Rodriguez, Carlos (NALC)
Rosas, Andy (USW 13-1 SOAR)
Russo, Michael (SIU)
Salazar, Richard (AFSCME 3806)
Salgado, Jesus (SMW 104 Retiree)
Salinas, Christopher (IAM)
Salvatore, Bob (Ironworkers 66)
Sanchez, Roy (AFSCME/HOPE 123)
Schoonover, Joseph (FOL)
Shaw, Richard (AFSCME 1550)
Singletary, Charlie (IUOE 564)
Small, Reginald (CWA 6215)
Smith Hackleman, Zetta (NNU)
Speight, Dennis (FOL)
Speight, Emily (OPEIU 277)
St. Clair, Jackie (UA 286 Retiree)
Stanley, Roy (IBEW Retiree)
Suplee, Robert (FOL)
Tanguma, Sylvia (AFT 6329)
Thomas, Irmalyn (CWA 6139 Retiree)
Thomas, Maria (OPEIU 277)
Thompson, Paul (IAFF 51)
Thompson-Lutz, Katherine (San Antonio CLC)
Tilley, Earnest (CWA 6215)
Tiner, Kirk (UAW 816)
Torres, Jose Cruz (TWU)
Tucker, William B. “Bill” (IBEW 278 - Memorial)
Underwood, Kristie (APWU)
Upton, Mark (UAW 218)
Vargas, Christina (CWA 186)
Veit, Kristie (CWA 6137)
Venable II, William (UA Plumbers 68)
Ventura, Juan (UFCW 540)
Vera, Nancy (AFT 3456)
Villarreal, Carlos (IBEW 716)
Wakefield, Ellen (CWA 6201 Retiree)
Warwick, Jr., Price (IBEW 20 Retiree)
Washenfelder, Karrie (AFT 6198)
Whitaker, Charles (CWA 6150)
White, Clayton (IBEW Retiree)
White, Linda K. (AFT 3456 Retiree)
Williams, Bobbie (OPEIU 4)
Williams, Maileen (UAW 276)
Wilson, Sarah (IUE/CWA 86782)
Wiltz, Debbie (APWU Retiree)
Wolf, Carolyn (Insulators 22)
Wolf, Lacy (Insulators 22)
Woodard, Chato (UA Plumbers 68)
Wyllie, Everett (NALC 404)
Young, Mark (USW 1)
Young, Peck (AFT)
Zaremba, Cheryl (CWA/TSEU 6186 Retiree)
Zavala, Joe (SIU)