Applications for the Ruth Ellinger Leadership Academy Now Open

The Texas AFL-CIO’s Ruth Ellinger Leadership Academy is back and in full force! This will be our seventh class, encouraging dozens of eager union activists to step up to build a broader and more powerful labor movement.
All Texas unions affiliated with the Texas AFL-CIO are invited to participate. Candidates must be sponsored by their local union, International Union or Central Body. Affiliates or Central Bodies who nominate participants must agree to provide $850 scholarships for each student, should they be selected.
Applications are due on Friday, September 20, 2024.
The Ruth Ellinger Leadership Academy is a one-year program of the Texas AFL-CIO. The academy focuses on broadening the organizing, political, legislative, and leadership skills of each participant while simultaneously building solidarity across unions in Texas.
Students will need to attend four weekend overnight trips, as well as special virtual events, and complete assignments back home in their communities and union halls. The class dates will be Oct. 18 - 20, Feb. 7 - 9, April 11 - 13, and July 11 - 13 with time and place to be announced.
We especially encourage women, people of color, and young workers to apply.
Together, we can create a community of leaders who are focused on strengthening their own organizations while working together to create a better future for working families.
If you have additional questions, please email Lorraine Montemayor, at or call: 214-448-1557.
We look forward to welcoming future leaders in the Texas labor movement.