HD 118 Result Raises Stakes for Labor in 2022

A labor-to-labor, door-to-door campaign fell short on Election Day in Texas House District 118 but marked a return to full-scale, in-person union campaigning that sets the stage for a high-stakes 2022 election.
Texas AFL-CIO President Rick Levy thanked the San Antonio Central Labor Council and scores of union volunteers for knocking doors of thousands of union families in the district on behalf of labor-endorsed candidate Frank Ramirez.
“While the result wasn’t what we wanted, we know progress in Texas remains a struggle in a national environment where distractions dominate discussion,” Levy said. “We will redouble our efforts to place expanded healthcare, an energy grid that does not leave Texans freezing or baking, climate jobs that build a safer world, an education system that enables teachers to prepare students for a better future, and dignity for working families at the center of discussion.”
“More than ever, working families know the 2022 elections are a turning point for Texas, with stakes that involve life and death along with our basic freedoms. We will leave no stone unturned in getting union members, retirees and allies to vote, in HD 118 and across the state.”
“Thank you to the scores of volunteers who helped bring labor voters to the polls.”
The Texas AFL-CIO is the state labor federation consisting of 240,000 affiliated union members who advocate for working families in Texas.