Texas Election Audit Shoots at Heart of Democracy

Texas AFL-CIO President Rick Levy posted this statement on the move by the Texas Secretary of State’s office to audit the 2020 election results in Harris, Dallas, Tarrant and Collin counties hours after a request from Donald Trump:
“Governor Abbott’s capitulation to Donald Trump’s Big Lie is just another example of his lack of leadership, his weakness, and his pathetic pandering to right-wing Republican primary voters.”
“Just last night, we learned to no one’s surprise that not even a rigged, privatized, circus-like Republican audit in Arizona’s largest county could concoct evidence of election wrongdoing. Changing the venue won’t matter. Gov. Greg Abbott’s own Secretary of State declared the 2020 Texas election ‘smooth and secure,’ and – News Flash! – a wasteful, bogus ‘forensic audit’ will not change that.”
“This epic sore-winner fiasco shoots at the heart of Texas democracy. Working families will not fall for it.”
The Texas AFL-CIO is the state labor federation consisting of 240,000 affiliated union members who advocate for working families in Texas.