Vote By Mail
Who is able to request a Mail Ballot?
- Individuals 65 and over on Election Day
- Individuals who are sick or have a disability
- Individuals who are confined in jail
- Individuals who will be outside of their county during Early Vote AND Election Day
What qualifies as a disability or physical condition?
- While fear of COVID-19 by itself does not qualify, you can consider your current health conditions and health history in deciding whether you qualify to vote by mail because of disability or physical condition.
- The decision to apply to vote by mail based on a disability or physical condition is your own (subject to a correct understanding of the law). Your county clerk has no responsibility to question or investigate your application unless you provide additional information explaining your specific disability or physical condition.
When is the deadline to request a Mail Ballot?
- Your application requesting a Mail Ballot must be received by Friday, October 23.
- When does my ballot need to be in by in order to be counted?
- Send your ballot in as soon as possible. The absolute latest that your county can receive your ballot is 7pm on Election Day (if it's not postmarked) or 5pm the day after Election Day (as long as it's postmarked by 7pm on Election Day).